Advanced Academics Program (AAP)
Advanced Academics Program (AAP) Parent Information
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) offers a continuum of advanced academic services for all students in grades K-12. Learning opportunities are designed to meet the unique learning profile of each advanced learner through a continuum of services that focus and engage the student in challenging learning experiences to develop higher-level thinking through enrichment, acceleration, and extensions of the Program of Studies (POS). Classroom teachers, administrators, and Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs) collaborate to deliver the various levels of service.
Access to Rigor
The AART and classroom teachers use higher order thinking strategies as well as AAP curriculum across all subject areas and grade levels (Access to Rigor). This is meant to extend and enrich the (POS. Student responses to the lessons are also used to collect evidence of advanced academic potential in order to ensure equity and increase access to AAP.
Young Scholars
The Young Scholars is designed to find and nurture advanced academic potential in students from historically underrepresented populations. Curricular interventions and support are provided through the collaboration of the classroom teacher and the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART).
Subject-Specific Services
Differentiated lessons are offered to students in areas of specific academic strength (Subject-Specific). The AART collaborates with classroom teachers to provide additional challenges and extensions within the classroom.
Part-Time Services
Students in grades 3-6 are identified by a local school screening committee for advanced academic services. The POS is extended and enriched in the four core subject are through AAP curriculum and strategies (Part-Time). These students meet in small groups with the AART on a weekly basis as well as receiving differentiation in the classroom.
Full-Time Services
Students found eligible for placement in a full-time AAP through a district selection process receive a highly challenging instructional program in the four core subject areas (Full-Time). The full-time program is designed to meet the needs of identified advanced learners with a strong emphasis on higher level thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making.
Click on the languages below to read the Fall Newsletter.
العربية Arabic | 中文 Chinese | English | 한국어 Korean | Español Spanish | اردو Urdu | Tiếng Việt Vietnamese |
AAP Full-Time Referral Form
If you would like your child (Grades 2-6) to be screened for Full-Time services, please complete the form below and send it via email to Alyssa Grabel, or bring the form to the main office. Deadline for submission is December 15.
Download the Full-Time Referral Form (PDFs):
العربية Arabic | 中文 Chinese | English | 한국어 Korean | Español Spanish | اردو Urdu | Tiếng Việt Vietnamese |
Parent/Guardian Questionnaire
How can I find out more about AAP?
Alyssa Grabel will hold a meeting September 25 @ 6:00pm to discuss the overview of the entire Advanced Academics Program in FCPS. Families are also encouraged attend a meeting on October 16 @ 6:00pm to specifically learn about the Full-Time AAP screening process.
Why do I hear about Mantua Elementary and Haycock Elementary?
If a student is found eligible for full-time AAP by the district screening process in early spring, families are given the choice of two schools offering the same curriculum. They may choose to keep students at Timber Lane or move them to Mantua or Haycock Elementary (based on your middle school pyramid).
AAP Presentations
Point of Contact for AAP at Timber Lane Elementary
- Gifted Education Teacher, ES