3rd Grade Newsletter

By 3rd Grade Team
Third Grade
February 01, 2022

Hello families! Welcome to the 3rd grade newsletter for February!

Important Dates & Reminders

  • February 2 - Groundhog Day
  • February 14 - Valentine’s Day and the 100th day of school!
  • February 21- President’s Day, No School

Keep an eye out for information about Valentine’s day!!

Language Arts

What We Learned This Past Month:

Third graders are learning about nonfiction, but this time they will be researching a topic they are interested in learning more about. They will have the opportunity to share their research with others by writing a research book.

What We Will Be Learning Next Month: 

Third graders will be learning about nonfiction once again. This time they will be researching a person they are interested in learning about. They will have the opportunity to share their research with others.



What We Learned This Past Month:

Third graders are almost done with the second unit of addition and subtraction. We began the unit with a review of place value concepts. In this unit students  worked on adding and subtracting whole numbers with a sum or difference up to 9,999. Third graders also worked on the skill of rounding and estimating.

What We Will Be Learning Next Month: 

We will begin our Unit on Measurement.  Students will expand their knowledge of measuring length in customary and metric units. They will estimate and measure lengths and develop understandings of perimeter and area. Students will also estimate and measure liquid volume using customary and metric units.



What We Will Be Learning Next Month: 

We will begin our science unit exploring and learning about the importance of soil to living things. Students learned about the different components of soil and which combinations are best suited for growing plants, food, or preventing erosion.


Social Studies

What We Learned This Past Month:

We learned about Ancient Egypt and how the contributions of ancient Egypt (architecture, inventions, the calendar and written language) continue to influence our world today.

What We Will Be Learning Next Month: 

We will begin learning about Ancient China. The students will explain how the contributions of Ancient China (architecture, inventions, the calendar and written language) continue to influence our world today.