1st Grade Newsletter

By 1st Grade Team
First Grade
June 01, 2022

Important Dates & Reminders


  • May 30 - Memorial Day / No School
  • June 1 - Field Day 
  • June 10 - Last Day of School / Early Release

Language Arts

What We Learned This Past Month:


  • We learned about print through dramatic storytelling
  • We learned that readers self-monitor to analyze and interpret multiple genres
  • We learned that fluency supports comprehension for both the reader and the audience 
  • We understood that dramatizing texts allows for collaboration with others in an engaging way


  • We began our persuasive writing unit, where we will practice influencing others with our writing
  • We learned that well-crafted, persuasive writing influences the reader’s thinking, feeling or action 
  • We learned how to convince our audience  to agree with us

What We Will Be Learning Next Month: 


  • We will continue to practice fluency and comprehension skills in our reading to support both the reader and audience
  • We will continue to understanding that dramatizing texts allows for collaboration with others in an engaging way


  • We will finish our persuasive writing unit where we practice influencing others with our writing
  • We will answer fun writing prompts about first grade, summer and second grade



What We Learned This Past Month:

  • We began our money unit, where we will:
    • Determine the value of a collection of like coins (pennies, nickels or dimes) bu counting by 1’s, 5’s or 10’s
    • We will describe the attributes of each coin 
    • We will compare the value of coins (5 pennies = 1 nickel)
  • We learned how to tell time to the hour and half-hour, using analog and digital clocks 
  • We learned how to read and interpret a calendar 
  • Students used nonstandard units to measure and compare length, weight and volume

What We Will Be Learning Next Month: 

  • We will continue our measurement unit, practicing how to tell time, read a calendar and use nonstandards of unit to measure and compare
  • We will complete STEM challenges to work together to build creations



What We Will Be Learning Next Month:

  • We will learn the effect the sun has on our planet and will learn about the greenhouse effect


Social Studies

What We Learned This Past Month:

  •  We applied the traits of a good citizen, on and offline by working hard in school
  • Students understood that the people of Virginia make contributions to their communities
  • We explained that people make choices because they cannot have everything they want
  • The students understood that people save money for the future to purchase goods and services
  •  The student described the stories of influential people and their contributions to Virginia, with emphasis on 
    •  Maggie L. Walker
    • Arthur R. Ashe, Jr.
    • Lawrence Douglas Wilder
    • John Mercer Langston

What We Will Be Learning Next Month:

  • The student will develop map skills by
    • recognizing map symbols including land, water, cities, roads, etc.
    • use cardinal directions on maps construct simple maps that include a title, map legend, and compass rose