Kiss & Ride Procedures

By Jenny Collins
August 09, 2024

Sign-up for Kiss & Ride here!

Kiss & Ride is a designated loop for parents to drop off or pick up children before and after school. The designated times are 8:30am - 8:50am and 3:35pm -3:50pm. 

A visual overview of the route can be found here.


Please follow the new pattern that now circles the perimeter of our parking lot.

Number System. We have implemented a number system. Each child/family will be assigned a number. Parents will receive a decal that should be visible on the rearview mirror. Students will receive a number tag with the corresponding number to be worn on their backpack.

For Kiss and Ride to function properly, parents must follow these procedures:

Kiss and Ride Rules

  • Remember the speed limit on school grounds is 5 mph.
  • Please have your Kiss and Ride number visible 
  • Children will load and unload from the driver side of the car only
  • Drivers please remain in your car, there are exceptions for specific situations.
  • Please stay in a single file line as you move to and from the Kiss & Ride area.  
  • Cell phone, texting and other distractions while driving through Kiss and Ride is prohibited to ensure student safety.
  • Pull forward as far as possible into the designated Kiss & Ride lane before loading or unloading.
  • Parking in the Kiss & Ride lane and leaving your car unattended is not permitted.

Kiss and Ride Tips

  • Seat children so they may enter/exit the vehicle easily.
  • Please be kind and patient 
  • Allow additional time and use caution on rainy or snowy days.
  • Make sure you and your student know their teacher’s name.

Thank you for your efforts to keep Timber Lane Elementary School a safe place for children!!

Kiss & Ride