October 2022 Kindergarten Newsletter
Important Dates & Reminders
- October 5: Student Holiday, no school for students
- October 10: Teacher Workday, no school for students
- October 11: Family Science Night at TLES from 6:00-7:30
- October 24: Student Holiday, no school for students
- October 28: End of Quarter 1, 2 hr. Early Release, Community Celebration, Conferences
- October 31: Student Holiday and Conferences, no school for students
Language Arts
What We Learned This Past Month:
- We worked on following reading workshop routines.
- We shared our ideas about books with partners and the whole group.
- We learned to read with partners
- We worked on learning about letters and our names.
- We worked on following writing workshop routines.
- We worked on sharing stories before writing.
- We learned to share our writing with friends.
What We Will Be Learning Next Month:
We will learn to ask questions before, during and after reading
We will learn to make predictions about what might happen next in a story.
We will learn about breaking apart words.
- We will be learning to match what we are writing to the story we tell.
- We will learn to write stories about one idea or time.
What We Learned This Past Month:
- We learned to follow Math Workshop routines
- We learned how to take care of our community math tools
- We learned how to sort by color, shape and size
- We are learning to share our thinking as mathematicians
What We Will Be Learning Next Month:
- We will begin to work on number sense
- Students will work on counting forwards to 20 and backwards from 10
- Students will work on writing numerals 0-10
Science & Social Studies (Content)
What We Learned This Past Month:
- We focused on building our classroom community and establishing routines.
- We created class rules.
What We Will Be Learning Next Month:
- We will be learning about community helpers
- We will learn about using our 5 senses
Community (Concept)
What We Learned This Past Month:
- We learned that communities have rules
- We learned that our families and our classroom are a community
- We learned that community members help each other
- We learned that everyone in a community matters
What We Will Be Learning Next Month:
- We will learn about the places we go in a community
- We will learn about how community helpers work in a community
Photo Gallery

Some favorites have been:
Mean Jean The Recess Queen
Owl Babies
You Matter

We are having so much fun exploring tools like Clever, Wixie, ST Math and Starfall!