4th Grade Newsletter
- The first bell for school is at 8:45 and the late bell is at 8:50.
- Dismissal starts at 3:35.
- Free breakfast and lunch will be offered this year; if students are interested in obtaining additional items, all additional items beyond students’ first free lunch will incur a fee.
- Please call the front office if your child will be late, absent or leaving early from school.
- Students must wear a mask to school and it must be on all day except for eating and drinking.
- Students can bring a snack from home and we will eat it during our snack / mask break in the afternoon.
Upcoming Events:
- Virginia Growth Assessment
- Reading 9/28
- Math 10/06
- Indigenous People’s Day (No School): October 11th
- Oct. 12 : Virtual PTA Meeting 7:00 PM (link coming soon)
- Oct. 28 : Wexford Manor, “Tiger Talks” (Spanish/English) 6:00 PM
- Communicating between home/school
- Explanation of School Routines
- Setting up routines at home
- Family Resources Available
- End of Quarter 1, 2 Hour Early Release: October 29th (Students dismissed at 1:35)
What Are We Learning?
This month we have been creating positive reading habits like finding a good fit book, finding a good reading spot and building stamina. We also have been practicing discussing character changes in stories and the lesson or theme in the books that we read. In writing we have been building writing stamina and starting to brainstorm topics for our Personal Narratives. We created a list of people, places and objects we love. We then picked a topic from that lisr and now we are starting to give reasons for our topic to start to write our own personal narratives. We will be editing and reviewing our personal narratives to complete a final draft. We will be starting a new unit in October for Reading and Writing - Poetry!
This month we are building a math community by learning how to participate in mathematics discussions and connect to the thinking of others. We are also building on our understanding of place value by learning to read and write 9 digit numbers, round a 5 digit number to different place values, and how to add and subtract with different strategies. We have also been learning how to work with a Math partner with partner games and work in small groups. This week we will have the students take a Math assessment on our first unit and then we will start our new unit - Fractions! We encourage students to practice math outside of school on our website, ST Math.
Advanced Math
This month we are building a math community by learning how to participate in mathematics discussions and connect to the thinking of others. We have learned about prime and composite numbers and we are reviewing factors and multiples. We are ready to dive deeper into our fractions and decimals unit!
In October, students will be learning about different ecosystems and how the organisms interact with one another and the nonliving components in the ecosystem.
Social Studies
This month we learned about how to be a good citizen both in our community. We also learned about Virginia Geography by looking at the 5 different regions of Virginia and the different water sources around us. This past week we have started learning about the Native Peoples and the indegenious tribes in Virginia.
Thank you for your continued support this school year!
-The 4th Grade Team