Timber Lane ES Very Important Partners (VIP)

By Jenny Collins
March 01, 2023

This week, Timber Lane ES welcomed its first Very Important Partners, Silvia Vilalta & Russ Waddell.  Silvia and Russ had the opportunity to support in their child's classrooms and other areas of our school. The program is of to a fantastic start! One of our VIPs shared that their favorite part was "helping the kids and talking to them." They also shared that they would love more time as the two hours they spent here went by so fast.

The TLES Very Important Partners' program has three main goals: first, students gain positive role models; second, caregivers gain insight into daily life at school, & finally Timber Lane ES gains an even stronger partnership with the community it serves.  Assistant Principal Shele Banford initiated the program with a face to face information session and training for the approximately 70 caregivers in attendance earlier this month. A virtual information and training session will be held virtually on March 16 at 5:30PM for interested caregivers who were unable to attend the first session. 

We are looking forward to welcoming and working with two new VIPs next week and the many more in the months ahead.