4th Grade Newsletter
We have been very busy and full of love in 4th grade. We are looking forward to our Jamestown trip on Friday March 11th. We want to extend our thanks to the TL PTA for their financial support of this trip.
Important Dates & Reminders
- Jamestown Field Trip is Friday March 11th. Please arrive at Timber Lane by 6:00am! We expect to return around 5:00pm. We will be updating the front office as to our estimated time of arrival back at school.
- All money and lunch requests are due by Wednesday March 3rd.
- Please send snacks for the Jamestown bus ride. Please pack water for your child for the trip. Dress for the weather. We will send a weather update and what to wear the week of our trip.
- Student early release Thursday March 3rd at 1:30pm. Teacher Workday Friday March 4th, no school for students.
- Student early release for the end of Quarter 3, Thursday March 31st at 1:30pm. Teacher Workday Friday Apr 1, 2022, no school for students.
Language Arts
What We Learned This Past Month:
Last month we studied Historical Fiction. Readers incorporate their background knowledge with the story elements (characters, setting, and events) in order to build their understanding of the historical time period. Readers synthesize multiple ideas in order to develop a complex theory. Readers are flexible in their thinking, using discussion to uncover layers of meaning. Many of us engaged with Lois Lowry’s text Number the Stars. This amazing book helps readers see the connection between real historical events (WWII) and fictional characters interacting with real events.
What We Will Be Learning Next Month:
We have been hard at work on our Content area research projects. This 5 week unit covers both reading and writing. Researchers engage in a process of inquiry to ask and seek answers to compelling questions. Researchers synthesize information across multiple texts and experiences in order to construct emerging understandings. Researchers collaborate and discuss to seek new ideas or clarify unresolved questions. Students will use a variety of formats to share their findings.
What We Learned This Past Month:
This month we started our Decimals unit. Students are learning about the place value of decimals, tenths, hundredth and thousandths. We are learning how to compare decimals up to the thousandths and more than 1 whole. We are also going to learn how to represent decimals as fractions, solve computation (add/sub) problems with decimals and solve word problems involving decimals.
What We Will Be Learning Next Month:
This month we returned to multiplication and division of larger numbers. -Estimate and determine products of whole numbers (2 digits × 2 digits). (PRS 2) - Estimate and determine quotients of whole numbers, with and without remainders (1 digit divisor and 3-digit dividend). (PRS 2) - Create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving multiplication and single-step practical problems involving division with whole numbers. (PRS 2) MTH.G4.15 Identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers, and tables (numerical). (PRS 6) - Recognize and demonstrate the meaning of equality in an equation. (PRS 6) Test Date for this unit is Mar 8, 2022. After that, we will return to fraction part 2.
Advanced Math
What We Learned This Past Month:
Last month was our Fraction computation unit. Students are learning to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. While solving complex word problems, students are developing fraction fluency while they continue to represent fractions as models, improper fractions, and mixed numbers. Next up: algebraic reasoning!
What We Will Be Learning Next Month:
This month we studied algebraic reasoning. Students will identify, describe, create, express, and extend number patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers, and tables (PRS 6) -Investigate and describe the concept of variable (PRS 6) -Write an equation to represent a given mathematical relationship, using a variable (PRS 6) -Use an expression with a variable to represent a given verbal expression involving one operation (PRS 6) - Create a problem situation based on a given equation, using a single variable and one operation (PRS 6). Next up, Unit 7 Measurement.
What We Learned This Past Month:
3rd Quarter’s Science focus is Oceans. Students will learn about how pollution will affect our oceans, organisms, how humans interact with one another & with the nonliving components in the ecosystem, understand that the ocean environment has characteristics and that Virginia has important natural resources.
What We Will Be Learning Next Month:
Our next Science unit is Solar System in Quarter 4.
Social Studies
What We Learned This Past Month:
This past month we studied The American Revolutionary war. We explored the reasons why the colonies went to war with Great Britain and how their path to revolution connects to our modern world. The student will examine the various roles of Revolutionary War leaders, American Indians, enslaved African Americans, whites, and free African Americans using a critical lens to evaluate various perspectives.
What We Will Be Learning Next Month:
After the American Revolution, students will move into The New Nation unit. Students will explore the connections between liberty and slavery in the ideas and lives of George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and George Mason. Following New Nation is our unit on the American Civil War.