October 2022 5th Grade Newsletter
Important Dates & Reminders
- October 5: Student Holiday, no school for students
- October 10: Teacher Workday, no school for students
- October 11: Family Science Night at TLES from 6:00-7:30
- October 24: Student Holiday, no school for students
- October 28: End of Quarter 1, 2 hr. Early Release
- October 31: Student Holiday and Conferences, no school for students
- Your student’s teacher will be in touch about signing up for conferences!
Language Arts
What we learned in September:
- We made connections with characters to develop theories about characters’ motivations, relationships, and conflict.
- We considered multiple points of view within a text.
- We expanded our thinking by hearing the perspectives of other readers in the classroom and built on ideas in our discussions.
- We wrote memoirs which are true stories from the writer’s life. We used these stories to communicate a lesson or reflection the author has learned through his or her experience.
What we will be learning in October:
We will begin our unit on Critical Literacy. In this unit we will:
- look carefully at advertisements and media messages
- determine the difference between fact and opinions communicated in media messages.
- consider what the author wants us to believe.
- think about how different people, ideas, or issues are represented in texts.
- We will be writing persuasive essays that express our ideas or opinions with reasons or evidence.
What we learned in September:
Students are learning:
- to round decimals through thousandths, rounding to the nearest whole number, tenth, or hundredth.
- To recognize the name of fractions in their equivalent decimal form and vice versa as well as understanding repeating decimals.
- How to compare and order fractions, mixed numbers, and/or decimals from least to greatest and greatest to least.
Students learned:
- The difference between prime and composite numbers
- How to differentiate between even and odd
What we will be learning in October:
- We will be solving single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers.
Advanced Math
What we learned in September:
Students are learning:
- to multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers
- To solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions and mixed numbers.
- To solve multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals.
Students Learned:
- How to represent relationships between quantities using ratios, and will use appropriate notations.
- How to represent and determine equivalencies among fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and percents.
- How to determine the unit rate of a proportional relationship and use it to find a missing value in a ratio table.
What we will be learning in October:
Students will be learning:
- To compare and order positive rational numbers and identify and represent integers
- How to compare and order integers
- How to identify and recognize absolute value of integers
- How to recognize and represent patterns with whole number exponents and perfect squares.
What we learned in September:
We are wrapping up our unit about Force and Motion!
Students are learning:
To investigate and understand that there is a relationship between force and energy of moving objects.
- To understand that the conservation of energy resources is important
- How to investigate to understand that energy can take many forms.
- To demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering processes
What we will be learning in October:
*we will be finishing up our force and motion unit* then, students will begin learning about Landforms!
Students will:
- identify and describe the layers of the earth and how they interact.
- describe how changes in Earth’s crust cause earthquakes and volcanoes.
- describe the rock cycle and how rock types can change.
- make a connection between Earth’s history and fossil evidence.
- determine the effects of human impact on Earth’s landforms and how it can be controlled
Social Studies
What we learned in September:
The students learned to demonstrate responsible citizenship, both online and offline and worked to
- construct an understanding of the Student Rights and Responsibilities, including Digital Citizenship (PRS 3)
- show respect for rules and laws while collaborating, compromising, and participating in classroom activities (PRS 3)
The student worked to understand the significance of Constitution Day and the establishment of a new American nation through the ideas of the United States Constitution.
What we will be learning in October:
We will continue developing our understanding of word history and geography by studying early civilizations.
Photo Gallery