Timber Lane Times 2/14/25
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February 24th - Early Release DayFebruary 24th will be our next 12:35 Early Release. Dismissal plans communicated with teachers in September will be the plan we follow for February's Early Release. If there are any changes to your child's dismissal for our Early Release, families have until Wednesday, February 19th to make changes to dismissal plans.
SACC will be open to support after-school childcare on February 24th beginning at 12:35 on our Early Release day. Please communicate with BOTH the front office AND your child's teacher ONLY IF you have any changes to Early Release dismissal plans for February 24th.
Future (12:35) Early Release Days for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:
- March 17
- April 28
- May 19
Our grade level teams have a wonderful night of learning and fun planned for ALL FAMILIES with students in grades K-6. This event will take place from 5:30-7:00 on Thursday, February 20th. Door #1 and Door #2 will open at 5:30 and we will have teams supporting our students as they showcase Reading, Math and Science activities each in three classrooms per grade level. Please visit ALL three designated classrooms per grade level! Families will walk away with a game or activity that supports Reading, Math and Science at home! Every participant will receive a drawstring backpack to carry all their goodies home!
Pre-made Hibachi Bento Box dinners from Kusshi Sushi will be provided between 5:30-7:00. You will be able to grab a meal at any time as you enjoy visiting multiple classrooms throughout the building. We hope ALL FAMILIES can join us for a BIG night of learning and fun!!!
In the event school is cancelled on February 20th due to a potential snow, this event will take place on Thursday, February 27th from 5:30-7:00!
Please register here for the event and dinner
P.A.W.S. (Parents Appreciating Wonderful Staff)When you see a staff member go above and beyond for your child or family, please take a moment to fill out this PAWS form to show your appreciation! Admin will then hand deliver your message (printed on some fancy paper) & congratulate the staff member through a public display of appreciation in front of the class! This really makes staff feel appreciated! This is an anonymous form, however, If you would like to add your name so staff members know who it's coming from, please feel free to do so! Thank you for extending words of affirmation and appreciation for some of THE BEST teachers, mentors, and care-givers one could ever hope for! 😊
School Registration For New StudentsWhen you are ready to register a new student to the school to complete your registration paperwork, please contact La Tesha Scott, our Student Information Assistant, by email at [email protected] or by phone at 703-206-5300 to set up an appointment. You will be informed of all other documents that you'll need to present at your visit. Please click the Timber Lane Elem. New Student Checklist link to view ALL the documents needed to register your student at your appointment.
TLES VIP ProgramTLES Families: We’d call this the best opportunity to get involved with your child's education! The TLES VIP Program is an awesome opportunity to volunteer at TLES, support your child's classroom and across multiple areas of the school. All parents, guardians, aunts, uncles, grandparents and other family members are encouraged to participate. Please click the link above to access the slideshow and clickable video (within the slideshow) to learn more about this great program and the impact your involvement has on your child(ren).
We do have one request for future visitors - please sign up at least 72 hours in advance of your visit in order for us to communicate your visit with our teachers way ahead of time. We want to ensure that on the day you select to visit that the teacher will not have testing, meetings pulling them from the classroom or other events conflicting with your time in our classrooms. This will ensure you are visiting at the ideal time. :)
Ready to sign up? Complete this form.
February 17: Presidents' Day (No School/Holiday)
February 20: ROAR & Explore: A Family Learning Night. Doors open at 5:30-7:00. Reading, Math & Science learning & activity share. Dinner provided. Please enter through Door #1 and Door #2. Please sign up if you plan to attend. Snow Date: February 27th - same time/same place!
February 21: 5th & 6th Grade Dance. Door #5 will be open for Kiss 'n Ride arrival 6:00-6:30; Door #2 will be open for Walkers arrival 6:00-6:30. Doors will be closed at 6:30. Dance will run between 6:00-8:00. Dinner, DJ, and Pizza provided! Snow Date: March TBD
February 24: 3-Hour Early Release at 12:35
February 26: 6th Grade Field Trip to George Mason University
February 28: Beginning of Ramadan
March 6: PTA BINGO NIGHT - 6pm - 7:30pm
2024-25 FCPS School Calendar
Family Restaurant Night @ Elevation Burger
Join us on February 18th from 4PM to 9PM at Elevation Burger! 20% of all orders placed during this time will be donated back to Timber Lane. No code necessary! Orders must be placed at the Falls Church location, 442 S. Washington Street.
Help us Clear the Amazon Wishlist
Tis the season for germs! Help us ensure that every classroom has the tissues, hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes they need to help keep kids healthy through the cold and flu season. Click here to browse the Amazon wishlist, and your purchase will be sent directly to the school. We appreciate your help!
2737 West Street Falls Church, VA 22046 | Main Office: 703-206-5300
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