
Timber Lane Preschool

The preschool special education program at Timber Lane serves 2 through 5 year-old children who have been identified through formal assessment as having significant delays in one or more of the following areas:

  • fine motor
  • gross motor
  • communication
  • personal-social
  • cognition
  • adaptive

Two morning and two afternoon classes serve approximately 8 students each. Each class is led by a teacher and an instructional assistant. Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy, as well as other services, are available as specified by each child's individualized special education plan. 

Developmentally appropriate activities are used to teach basic skills to address the children's deficit areas as well as enhancing their overall development.

PBS Kids Games

Meet Our Preschool Staff!

Back to School Night Presentation 21-22

Back to School Night Presentation 21-22